Katleho Kanyane

Dev and Part-time RabbitMQ Wrangler @ Fintech

Katleho is a Senior Erlang Developer working for Erlang Solutions. He has been working with Erlang for the past 13 years, with extensive testing and DevOps background. Katleho has been with Erlang Solutions for 5 years and his current assignment is at a large Fintech company. In his current assignment Katleho has gone from being a senior dev, then tech lead and now architect. His day to day activities involve resolving performance and scalability issues, product roadmaps and process improvements. Fun fact, Katleho started his working life as a junior electrical engineer and enjoys working on Gundam models in his free time.

Erlang and RabbitMQ: The Erlang amqp_client in Action

RabbitMQ is considered to be one of the most reliable and scalable message broker applications. It is used by many developers and in many applications, all with great feedback. When you need to implement a scalable, native and performant way to publish messages to RabbitMQ in your Erlang application, researching the AMQP client documentation and GitHub will help you decide how to best implement your publisher.

In this talk we will take a lessons-learned approach to talk about how we implemented a RabbitMQ publisher using the Erlang AMQP client library. We will go over various implementation models for the RabbitMQ publisher, and their pros and cons. I will also discuss how to design the publisher with scalability in mind and validate the implementation.


  • Draw attention and interest to the Erlang AMQP client


  • Erlang developers of all skill levels